Laurelin's Light

Random Thoughts from a Confessed Film Snob

13 November 2007

"Sharp Dressed Men" Wins at SNOB!

I am very pleased to announce that last night "Sharp Dressed Men" was awarded the prize for Best Feature Film at the S.N.O.B. Film Festival in Concord, NH.

The entire weekend was a very rewarding experience.

It was wonderful to have "Sharp Dressed Men" premiere in a facility as beautiful as the brand new Red River Theatres. I would encourage anyone interested in independent film to patronize the theater; it is a great resource for film lovers in NH. (I have added a permanent link to the Red River website in the sidebar to the right.)

I had the chance to see a lot of films this weekend, many of which you would never see outside of a festival. I will post my thoughts about a few of the more memorable films in the days to come.



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